Family Law: Custody of Children, Visitation Rights and Support
When deciding on Child Custody, the court will consider many factors. Often, the parents agree on the schedule of visitation, but the court will also consider the best interests of the child. One of the biggest considerations is the child’s preference. If the child is old enough to make a preference, the court will consider the child’s relationship with other family members and siblings. The courts are more relaxed about visitation rights than in years past. While parents may agree on some level of visitation, the court will ultimately decide the legal custody of their children.
Judges are often very hesitant to rule on obvious issues. Nevertheless, in a case involving a child custody determination, a judge will be more inclined to consider a parent’s ties to the child. The obvious issues, such as domestic violence, sexual abuse, and substance abuse, can place the parent in a less favorable light than they would be otherwise. A legal expert can help make these factors more compelling.
An unbiased child custody lawyer will negotiate on your behalf without getting emotionally involved in the proceedings. They will be a strong advocate for your interests and stay calm in an emotionally charged environment. You don’t want to risk getting into a conflict based on emotional issues when the two parents disagree. A legal expert will protect your interests while guiding the court through the complex issues of your relationship. It’s worth the investment to get a child custody and alimony lawyer who understands your goals.
Joint physical custody is another way to get physical custody of your child. This option involves a shared residence, which is called joint physical custody. The parent with the child should be able to see the child regularly, so the child will know both parents. This type of arrangement is ideal if the parents get along well and can co-parent. However, this arrangement is not always the best option. It may create more conflict than it helps.
While the court will look at the best interest of the child, the other parent’s best interests will be considered. A parent with primary custody will likely have a better relationship with their child than the other parent with a non-custodial parent. This arrangement is a good choice for many reasons, but it can also be impractical for those who live far apart. If this is the case, a non-custodial parent should be awarded the custody of the child.
During a divorce, parents may become bitter and resentful with each other, said a divorce and child custody lawyer in Florida. Anger is a major factor when it comes to child custody. This can negatively impact the child’s well-being. In addition to this, the costs of maintaining two homes can be prohibitive. Therefore, a divorce lawyer can help you make a good decision for your children. It is important to remember that the decisions made by the judge are based on the best interest of the children.